Games I Can’t Wait to Play from E3 2015

Here’s a list of all the games I can’t wait to get my hands on from this year’s E3. This is by no means a comprehensive list but it’s a list of the games I’m most excited about. Tak a look at the videos below and comment on what peaks your interest or what your top list is.


  1. Star Wars Battle Front
  2. Batman: Arkham knight
  3. MGS5: The Phantom Pain
  4. For Honour
  5. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
  6. Fallout 4
  7. Street Fighter 5
  8. The Division
  9. Mass Effect: Andromeda
  10. Need for Speed
  11. Final Fantasy 7 – Remake
  12. Shenmue
  13. Hitman
  14. The Last Guardian
  15. COD: Black Ops III
  16. Assassins Creed
  17. Mirrors Edge
  18. No Man’s Sky
  19. Rise of the Tomb Raider
  20. Rainbow 6: Seige
  21. Star Fox Zero
  22. Fifa 2016 – because of the women
  23. Doom


Take a look at this video lineup


NBA Live Names Russel Westbrook as 2016 Cover Athlete


I used to hate on Russel Westbrook, but I’m actually happy that he’s the cover athlete for NBA Live. He’s worked hard this season, and he deserves some accolades and endorsements. He goes hard every night which is something that won me over, as well as his miserable interesting taste in fashion. Everybody’s a critic right?
The only sucky thing about being on the cover of NBA Live is that it’s not NBA 2K. Live has fallen to the number two spot in terms of must have NBA games and Live is playing catch up. Honestly, I haven’t played an NBA Live game since PS1 / PS2 days. You can check their announcement trailer below. Their E3 demo was interesting but I’m in a wait-and-see stance.

New Metal Gear Solid Game…Again!!

Yeah, so Kojima is up to his old tricks and has come out with yet another MGS game. If you check the E3 Video below you’ll see like 4 different Snakes. Must be Solid, Liquid, Gaseous,  and…random other Snake. Now, I was confused about the storyline before, but now I’m really confused. I’m also not sure if this is playable on psp, or for the new PSP-go.  Video below for your enjoyment!

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Xbox360, Playstation 3 FIGHT!!!…for second!!!

Microsoft has this cool new attachment for the Xbox360 that will recognize the human frame, and mimic its every move, transmitting the data in-game. The result will be a controller-less gaming experience! Imagine, racing…with no physical steering wheel, just pretending ( you know, like you used to do in the mirror). Well now the mirror will respond to your every movement. True, Nintendo was first with the motion sensitive approach which everyone must give credit for…but this is kinda taking it to the next step. However, I’m from the old school and need something physical in my hands to let me know I’m still in reality! You can check  video below:

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Sony, not to be outdone…again, has finally moved its slow, heavy, corporate hands in protest, and has come up with a wand-like device. The 1-1 movement ratio is pretty impressive, but the controller looks so weird. Like something from an old sci-fi movie. It also changes colors (ooooh for emphasis).  Yeah, its nice and all, but in my opinion too little too late…however the virtual world they have in the demo is kinda hot. Maybe they should play up that angle instead of arriving to the party late all the time!

Vid below:

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