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Gadget-Lust, Phones

Behold II Review

Hey Yall, so I got my hands on the Behold II for T mobile and am presently testing it out. The review will come soon enough…sorry kinda got lazy over the weekend! But never fear, I have some shots below to wet the appetite (as if you haven’t already seen pics…

General Manliness

Tough Santas

Its the Christmas season so I thought I’d write a quick article, before Christmas food of course, to talk about some tough Santas. Bikers for Jesus So picture this…nearly 100 or so bikers on Harelys with leather jackets and the whole works ridin’ down the…


Samsung SD Card for the Rugged!

Now this is cool. We all know how much Flash memory has changed our lives for the better, and how carrying around SD cards with many Gigs worth of valuable and personal information has now become the norm. However, ruining that valuable and personal information…

Fashion, Watches

Night Rider Watch!?

Sorry false alarm, but it still looks cool. It’s a new watch from TokyoFlash, and as usual they have come out with a really unique LED watch that is guaranteed to turn heads (for better or for worse!). However, we feel like its always best…


From the Engadget Show!

So we were able to secure our tickets to the Engadget Show and it was a lot of fun. Joshua Topolsky has a wicked sense of humor, and it was jokes the whole time. Drew Bamford from HTC had some interesting things to say, and…