Swiss Watch Couldn’t be any Tougher if it Had a Beard

Tough as Nails!

Was cruisin’ the inter-webs when I came across this awesome watch on Slashgear. As you know by now, I’m pretty big fan of nice watches. This particular watch isn’t too impressive look-wise, but it more than makes up for it in functionality. Like most wonderfully over-engineered products this watch was built to go where you, a mere humanoid, could never hope to go. This baby doesn’t have your normal Swiss-Army amenities like matches, fork, corkscrew or screwdriver. Rather, its built to go a whopping 20,000 ft under water. Not only that, it can withstand the blast from a stick of dynamite, and a gunshot! Now this watch isn’t for the lesser man, as it may show you up by just sitting there on your arm. But if your game, you can drop about $4,000 bucks for it. The case is solid Titanium, has 3 chronographs, and a Sapphire face. If your a watch nut, you can check the rest of the specs here

Sony Ericsson “Motions” Forward with MH907

Sony Ericsson thinks they have a game changer here with their new headset. The hype they had was crazy…and honestly I’m a little underwhelmed. Now that’s not to say that it isn’t a good idea for the headset to recognize gestures, but I thought it was going to be a little more in depth. The gestures are just inserting and reinserting the ear-buds, which if you ask me will just get annoying over time or give me some rash in my ear from all the chaffing.  I thought they were going to go the route of increasing and decreasing the volume based on brain impulses. That would’a been far cooler. Alas, guess I got to write that one down and do it before someone else does! But if you are still interested it comes in three colors for now…yellow, white, and titan chrome.  Click on the image to see the cool promotional video.

Oberon Takes Flight … Next Stop – Your Wrist!

I’ve become a big fan of recently. They have all sorts of cool things from Japan that are rare stateside. Not alot of people rockin’ the LED watches and they look really cool in a dorky sort of way. But hey, I love being exclusive with my accessories. Click the link to find out more info. It’ll cost ya a buck seventy five. But for stainless steel and a decent sense of fashion, I think its worth it.

PSP3 slim….Finally

If you thought the PS3 was a bit bulky for your taste, you have company. That’s been a complaint for a while…that along with the hefty price tag. However, both have been addressed by Sony which will be offering a slim version of its PS3 in September, as well as a price cut of the 80 gig model of the original PS3. You can find more details over at Engadget. This is most-likely what the procrastinators have been waiting for. Time for some blue-ray goodness!

Stylish Clock for Manliest of Men

We are always trying to bring you items that  are unique, stylish, and sure to turn heads. Slashgear has found this awesome wall clock that tells time a little differently than most are used to. It uses LEDs to display the time in plain English. It can also display in other languages which is a definite plus. The simple yet bold stylings can be just what the doctor interior decorator ordered.  But it won’t come cheap. Price is rumored to be in $1,500 dollar range, with the swappable face plates coming in at over a 100 smackers!

Porsche Shoulder Bumps Bugatti…Says Wussup?!

Now thats what I call an automobile

As you all know, Bugatti is currently the manufacturer of the worlds fastest street-legal production car, the “Veyron”. However, according to some news I found on Wikipedia and The German Car Blog, Porsche doesn’t seem to be slacking one bit. Check out the Porsche GT1 slated for production the end of this year. It’s got a whopping 950 hp. They are shooting for 254 mph – which would be 2 mp faster than the Veyron.

Apple to Come Out With What Looks Like Giant iPod Touch


Remember that article that I did on the Crunch Pad? Yeah, me either till I saw this thing. Looks like Apple took notice that there was a market for a large touch sensitive device and is seeking to fill the void before anyone else. To be honest, I’m quite intrigued…for now. My attention span is that of a gnat so they better come with it quickly or else they might loose momentum and miss the opportunity. According to the Financial Times, this doohicky is set for a possible September or October Release at a price point of between $600-1000 bucks. What do you guys think?

“Pimpin'”, Apparantly, “Aint Easy” According to Japanese Watchmaker

I’m sure you enjoy a nice time piece as well as I.  I love it when I have something unique and/or rare that you have to look high and low to find. . .I’m especially impressed with the “pimpin aint easy” watch. Seems someone out there feels my pain! JK – take a gander below.

Modern Warfare 2 Rocks out with Fully Operational NV Goggles!!!

See, this is what I’m talking about. Its funny, cause I was just thinking how much I needed these goggles too! Infinity Ward certainly knows how to treat the consumer right! Those other games and exclusive packs really can’t compare to what we are looking at right now. I mean, seriously, they included fully functional night vision goggles. Who does that these days? There hasn’t been a decent toy in Cracker Jacks since I was in elementary, and to be honest…I had all but given up hope in a decent giveaway, and they release this! Check the video below, and try not to drool on yourself!

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Indoor Fireworks…Blame the Japanese


This is for all the fathers who will be scowled at, sneered at, beaten, and abused because for some reason you were not able to take the family to see fireworks for the 4th of July. Engadget has dug up a peculiar toy made by Sega. Its basically a projector that projects firework displays. The best part is that you can apparently program your own shows! Now that’s awesome. What we we do without Japan? Check the vid below:

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