When you are preparing meals for a healthier lifestyle, it’s a given that you should include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. That’s the golden rule that everyone must follow. These items are known to improve your mental and physical health while greatly reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
However, only including fruits and vegetables is not enough when you have a certain goal in mind. Instead of going for a major change in your diet, you can achieve significant results by including a few smaller changes. To keep things simple for you, we include some items to add to your daily diet for a healthy lifestyle.
Items in Your Daily Diet for a Healthy Lifestyle
Here are some items you should include in your daily diet to improve your daily lifestyle:
1. Whole Grain Bread
Does your meal include refined grain bread? If yes, then you should switch to whole grain bread. Refined grain bread increases the risk of severe health conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Meanwhile, whole grain bread has various benefits to health such as the reduced risk of cancer, heart conditions, and type 2 diabetes. Also, it increases B vitamins, fiber, and various minerals in the body.
2. Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt has a thicker consistency and creamier texture than regular yogurt. It contains 10 times more protein and reduces your appetite. If you have a goal to reduce your food intake, you should include Greek yogurt in your diet.
3. Eggs
Eating eggs in the morning brings many health benefits because of their high protein. You will feel full throughout the day without exceeding your calorie requirement for your breakfast. By doing so, you can consume fewer calories in later meals and quickly achieve your weight loss goals.
4. Sufficient Water
Drinking enough water can help you maintain your weight as it burns calories. If you want to live a healthy life, you should drink more water instead of other beverages. Furthermore, you can improve your diet quality by decreasing your intake of unhealthy beverages.
5. Roasted or Baked Food
Do you consume fried food to satisfy your taste buds? If yes, then you are putting your health at great risk. You will notice drastically improved results by changing your method of food prep. Instead of frying, broiling, and grilling fish and meat, you can try to roast, bake or boil them. Boiling food removes various toxic compounds such as heterocyclic amines and advanced glycation end products. These compounds increase health risks such as heart disease and cancer.
6. Vitamin-D Supplements
About one billion people in the world suffer from vitamin D deficiency. As a result, they develop weak bones and immune system diseases. If you can’t consume seafood or other high sources of vitamine D every day, consider taking vitamin D supplements that contain omega-6 fatty acids as well.
Want to achieve fitness goals? If yes, then include the above-mentioned items in your daily diet for a healthy lifestyle. With major changes in your diet, you can only make things complicated. Instead, you should consider the above-mentioned list and choose healthy items, incorporating them slowly. If you don’t have time to include some of these items in your diet, choose from these delicious and healthy protein bars.
The importance of sleep cannot be understated, as it helps the body rebuild and recover. However, people who work out have to be especially careful with their sleep, since it directly affects their gains and performance. When paired with proper nutrition and hydration, sleep can improve muscle growth, performance, and tissue repair.
The Importance of Sleep: How much should you get?
When considering the importance of sleep, the next thing that comes to people’s minds is just how much. How much sleep should you get for it to be healthy? According to guidelines by the National Sleep Foundation, adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep every day. Without recommended sleep, people will not function effectively.
Fitness enthusiasts should especially get at least eight hours of sleep, enough for the body to recover. Muscle tears during a workout only repair if the individual gets enough sleep. Apart from tissue repair, the importance of sleep directly affects other parts of an individual’s body.
Can Contribute to Weight Gain
One of the most important things is that sleep in your body regulates a very important hormone, which affects other hormones. Sleep regulates the steroid hormone cortisol, better known as the stress hormone.
Lack of sleep creates a domino effect where it first disturbs the body’s circadian rhythm. This affects cortisol levels, which affects insulin resistance, glucose processing, and appetite hormones.
By simply getting enough sleep, you can greatly reduce the risk of weight gain and reduce your net body weight. Keeping weight gain and body weight low, you can continue keep your progress.
Greater Risk of Injury
Not getting enough sleep leaves people in a sleep-deprived state, leading to very serious injury. The importance of sleep is especially apparent when you are trying to work out without properly resting.
Your body has not recovered from the fatigue of yesterday’s training, which increases the chance of injury. Pushing yourself too hard despite not sleeping properly could lead to you tearing a muscle or spraining your back.
Do not “power through” a workout when you’re tired. Instead, you should settle for fewer sets or take a nap before exercising.
Muscle Repair and Recovery
Finally, the biggest advantage of getting enough sleep for a fitness enthusiast is that it helps muscle recovery. NREM, or non-rapid eye movement, is a sleep pattern where the body finally starts to rest. Throughout its four stages, it helps the body recover.
Stages three and four are especially important as they are responsible for producing HGH. HGH is a hormone that contributes to muscle growth and development.
The Importance of Sleep: Planning Your Day around It
People usually put sleep at the last of their priorities, often compromising on sleep to work on other things. However, now that you better understand the importance of sleep, you should plan your entire day around getting ample sleep.
Always set aside eight hours to sleep and the rest to work to ensure better muscle growth.
If you are a good endurance athlete you know the importance of nutrition during training sessions. If you have low fuel, you won’t get the best results. Also, you might feel weak and unhealthy. Whether you swim, cycle, or run, you should refuel with supplements and there are plenty of mid-workout supplements for endurance training in the market.
Top Mid-Workout Supplements
Here is our list of mid-workout energy boosters for refueling:
1. Capsules by SaltStick
Many people think that sodium is not good for their health. However, pro athletes know that salt consumption is essential for endurance training. Sodium maintains your body fluid, which is essential to boost stamina and reduce muscle cramping.Salt and electrolytes rapidly leave the body as you workout. Thus, it is important to maintain balance in the body, especially during long workout sessions.
Capsules by SaltStick is a perfect mid-workout supplements to maintain five electrolytes in the body. These electrolytes are:
You should take one capsule after every 30 to 60 minutes of working out to improve your performance.
2. Pickle Juice by Pickly Power
Consuming pickles during a workout might sound weird. But, if you often experience muscle cramps, you should drink pickle juice as an energy potion. Pickle juice contains 10 to 15 times more electrolytes than sports drinks. Furthermore, this juice includes high minerals and vitamins without sugar and calories.
Although, there isn’t any study to prove the benefits of pickle juices as mid-workout supplements, researchers suggest that it reduces muscle cramps. When you drink pickle juice, it triggers your muscle reflexes and prevents the misfiring of neurons. If you experience cramps, you can drink pickle juice by PicklyPower. Just don’t drink too much!
3. Endurance Fuel by Tailwind
Endurance Fuel by Tailwind mixes with water and offers hydration, electrolytes, and essential calories. The product includes all-natural ingredients to keep the body hydrated for a long time. So, if you partake in endurance training sessions, you can use Endurance Fuel by Tailwind as a mid-workout supplement. This product offers lots of energy during workout sessions and has a synergistic effect on the body.
4. Energy Chews by BonkBreaker
Energy Chews by BonkBreaker boosts electrolytes and carbohydrates in the body to support muscle contraction. That said, energy chews are different than energy gels. They come in small portions, so you can take small bites while performing high-intensity endurance exercises. BonkBreakers produce incredible energy boosters that are easy to digest. If you don’t like the taste of energy gels, you can switch to this chewable alternative.
There are many other mid-workout supplements available for endurance training. You can consume them during long workout sessions to boost energy and strength. You can also try protein bars to get yourself going.Here is a list of five delicious and healthy protein bars for men.
Dumbbells can strengthen the upper and lower body. Even the bulky bodybuilders who have been lifting for years incorporate dumbbell exercises for their workout routine. Regardless of your fitness goals, you must consider getting some exercise equipment in your home.
Dumbbells are highly portable and inexpensive for exercising at home and are especially great if you can’t head to the gym. You can purchase dumbbells online as well as from physical stores. If you are exercising at home, you should buy a set of dumbbells and include these dumbbell exercises for men in your daily routine.
Top Five Dumbbell Exercises for Men
Here are some of the best dumbbell exercises for men:
1. Bicep Curls
The bicep curl is an effective and simple exercise to stretch your bicep and triceps muscles.While performing this exercise, you need to keep your upper body straight and controlled. Your back should especially stay straight. Many people head to the gym, pick the heaviest dumbbell they can lift, and perform bicep curls. However, they can’t keep their spine straight, which can cause back injury. When performing the bicep curl, you have to exert pressure on your bicep muscles only.
2. Bench Press
Bench press exercises give you an excellent range of motion. You can further increase your motion by switching from barbells to dumbbells. Bench pressing dumbbells increases strength in the pectoral region. The exercise works your triceps and shoulders as well and the best technique to perform it is by squeezing the dumbbell at the top of the movement. That way, you can keep the biceps engaged and active throughout the exercise.
3. One Arm Swing
You can add dumbbells to almost every exercise that you perform. For instance, you can target the entire body with one arm swings. This exercise works your leg as well as shoulder muscles.Usually, people use the kettle bell to perform this exercise and they can replicate the same movement with a dumbbell.
4. Bent-Over Row
This exercise creates tension in your back and shoulder muscles as well. That said, you must remember that the bent over row is not for beginners. If you don’t know how to perform this exercise, you can potentially develop a serious injury. Thus, you should practice proper form by performing this with low or no weights. To perform bent over rows, you have to bend forward while standing. Make sure that your knees are slightly bent and the back is straight to ensure you can target your back properly.
5. Shoulder Press
The shoulder press strengthens your shoulder muscles and focuses on two sections of the deltoids. It also pumps other muscles such as the triceps, trapezius, and rotator cuff muscles. These muscles work simultaneously to complete shoulder press.
These are a few dumbbell exercises for men to strengthen overall muscles. There are many other dumbbell exercises that you can perform at home, but these are the core ones. Want to learn more exercises to achieve your fitness goals? If yes, try these top exercises to include in your fitness routine.
Protein bars are healthy and convenient snacks to boost your nutrition. If you don’t have enough time for a well-balanced meal, you can grab some healthy protein bars. Before purchasing a protein bar you should check protein type, protein content, and sugar levels. However, picking healthy protein bars from a plethora of options can be confusing.
Top Healthy Protein Bars
If you want to save your time and efforts, read this post till the end as it discusses some healthy and delicious protein bars to meet your requirements.
1. Chocolate Sea Salt Protein Bar by RXBAR
Chocolate sea salt protein bar by RXBAR is a healthy protein bar for men, especially if you want to avoid gluten. This 12 grams protein bar includes dates, nuts, and egg whites. These bars are free of nutrient-void fillers and added sugar. You can find this protein bar at drug and convenience stores throughout the country. You can consume this bar as a post-workout or office snack. This product is available in a wide range of flavor options including blueberry, chocolate sea salt, and peanut butter.
2. Pumpkin Seed Bars by Health Warrior
Pumpkin seed bars by Health Warrior don’t contain preservatives, protein powders, and sweeteners. Thus, consuming this product is safe. This is a vegan protein bar with whole food ingredients. Also, pumpkin seeds are visible on the bar, which:
Reduces stress because of magnesium
Boost immune system because of zinc
Enhance mood because of zinc components
3. Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond Bars by KIND
Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond Bars by KIND is an affordable and healthy protein bar. You can find this product anywhere in the country, even at gas stations. This crunchy bar doesn’t contain genetically modified ingredients. It is a gluten-free snack with almonds as the number one ingredient. Almond improves the body’s cholesterol levels.
4. Collagen Protein Bar by Bulletproof
Collagen protein bar by Bulletproof is a healthy bar with high-quality fats and 2 grams of sugar. The chocolate chip cookie flavor contains collagen from organic nut butter and grass-fed cows. It includes Bulletproof’s brain octane oil. This protein bar is ideal for keeping you satiated and fueled. The ingredients include:
Cashew butter
Coconut oil
Cacao nibs
5. Collagen Protein Bars by Primal Kitchen
If you want a grain-free and paleo-friendly protein bar, you can opt for Collagen Protein Bars by Primal Kitchen. Along with great protein punch, these bars are incredibly delicious. You can choose this protein bar if you are looking for non-dairy, non-gluten, or non-soy products. 15 grams of Primal Kitchen bar contain egg whites, nuts, seeds, and grass-fed collagen, which is a great protein source.
The above-mentioned snacks are ideal protein bars for men. If you work out, you can consume these snacks for an instant protein boost. You can munch on these protein bars whether you are driving your car or working on an arduous task. If you want to adopt a healthy life, here are the top exercises for men to improve their fitness routine.
Obesity is a serious concern globally as statistics reveal that nearly 30% of adults are overweight. A wide majority of these adults are men. Taking care of your weight is important because being overweight causes tons of ailments such as hypertension, diabetes, and others.
Fortunately, various tips can help you maintain a healthy bodyweight and burn body fat. We are going to mention these tips to burn bodyweight, so ensure reading till the end of this article.
How to Burn Bodyweight: 7 Tips You Should Know
Following are the 7 tips you should know to burn bodyweight and live a healthier life.
Start a Lifestyle Eating Plan
Most men try to lose weight by dieting but regain it soon after returning to their previous lifestyle. This makes losing weight counterproductive and difficult to maintain in the long run.
Therefore, it is best to ditch dieting impulsively for short periods to lose weight. It is better to develop healthier eating habits in general. Simple tips like eating every 4 hours, eating a balanced diet, and eating small servings of healthy fats can benefit you in the long run.
Drink Water
Drinking 100 ounces of water daily can help control hunger, and boost metabolism for better weight management. It will also help fight lethargic feelings, hydration problems, headaches, and much more. Drinking water can increase your metabolism by as much as 30%.
Try 30-Minute Physical Activity
A simple 30-minute plan of physical activity consisting of activities like sports or swimming that you like can help manage weight and avoid fat storage in the body. It is best to start with smaller exercise periods and elevate it with time.
Build Muscle Mass
Building muscle mass helps lose fat faster. Thus, you should try exercises like CrossFit, weight training, or whatever interests you to keep yourself from gaining unnecessary fat. This exercise will also have plenty of health benefits for you and will help you become a healthier man.
Get Sufficient Sleep
Lack of sleep is directly related to fat and weight gain. This is because the body burns fats and regulates the metabolism for healthier physical conditions. This also includes regulating hormones such as growth hormone, cortisol, insulin, and others.
Getting 7-8 hours of sleep is great for reducing weight gain, providing sufficient rest to your body, and.
Monitor Your Lifestyle
You wouldn’t want to spend time and effort in the wrong direction. Therefore, monitor your weight and measurements regularly.
Tracking and monitoring physical changes can also improve how you burn bodyweight, and stay healthier.
Reward Yourself
Most people who follow healthy lifestyles have urges to eat sweet, greasy, and unhealthy foods. Therefore, a planned cheat meal once every few weeks can help fulfill your craving and keep you on track in the long run. However, you should still consider what you eat on your cheat meals.
Bottom Line
It is not difficult to burn bodyweight if you know what you are doing. Ensure that you drink plentiful water, eat and sleep right, build muscle mass, and reward yourself for all the hard work you do. These simple tips can help reap better benefits and assist in adopting a healthier lifestyle in the long run.
It is important to maintain a good healthy life and follow a strict routine. People have this misconception that once you are 40 years old you should get serious about your health. However, there is no age to choose a healthier lifestyle.
Like women, men should also:
Take good sleep
Regularly visit the doctor
Take steps to manage stress
Engage in physical activities
Make nutritious food choices
Regardless of your age, this is the right time to prioritize your health. But, keep in mind that you need an effective strategy to fine-tune your health. In this post, you will find some tips to become a healthier man. So, let’s begin:
1. Consume Natural Food
You might already know that processed and packaged foods contain a high amount of unhealthy fats, salt, and sugar. If you want to avoid extra calories and artificial additives, you need to switch to healthy food. Here are some healthy food items you can include in your diet:
Whole-grain products such as whole-grain bread and brown rice
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Lean cuts of poultry and meat such as lean ground beef and skinless chicken breast
Fiber-rich foods including leafy greens and beans
Fish such as salmon
When you go shopping, spend less time in aisles with processed foods. Rather, go for aisles that contain fresh groceries and fruits.
2. Maintain a Good Waist
You need to be serious about your health when your waist measures 40 inches or more. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute warn that it increases the risks of obesity-related diseases. You are at higher risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke.
For many men, reducing calories would help to shed excess belly fat. Besides maintaining a healthy diet, you should exercise more. Consult a nutritional expert and they will create a weight-loss plan for you. This is the most effective and safe way to maintain a good waist.
3. Take Prostate Examinations
American Cancer Society published statistics that state that the rate of prostate cancer is most common in American men, after skin cancer. The common signs of prostate cancer include blood or pain while urinating. If you face trouble while urinating, you should consult your doctor. They will diagnose prostate cancer and suggest an effective treatment plan.
4. Check for Colorectal Cancer
Colon cancer is another critical condition common in men. It is the second leading cause of death in the United States. If you are around age 50, visit the doctor to start screening for colorectal cancer. The doctor will check your colon for cancerous growth using colonoscopy. Also, they will conduct tests for polyps.
Every man should prioritize good health, but choosing the right spot and time to start could be a problem. Many men wait till they turn 40. However, you should immediately control your health and take measures to live a healthy life. So, let’s start with a daily routine plan to become a healthier man.
What is the best supplement that can help you achieve your fitness goals? You may be asking yourself this question. The answer, according to research, has been confirmed to be protein powder. Protein powders are an excellent way for men who work out to increase their performance in the gym.
There are many benefits of using protein powder to enhance fitness goals, including weight loss, muscle building, and strength gain. This article will discuss how protein powder helps with working out!
Types of protein supplements
There are many different types of protein supplements on the market. The most popular are whey and casein proteins. There are also soy, hemp, and rice protein supplements for vegetarians and vegans. One of my favorites vegan supplement companies is elevatenutrition.com
Whey is a fast-digesting protein that the body absorbs quickly (20 percent faster than an egg), which makes it ideal for post-workout shakes since your body is most receptive to protein uptake following your workout.
On the other hand, Casein protein absorbs slowly and provides a steady release of amino acids for up to seven hours after digestion—great before bedtime, so you don’t break down your muscles while sleeping. You can also mix it with water or milk to create a “slow-digesting shake” that can last for several hours.
Soy is a plant-based protein and is digested slowly (like casein). It has the added benefit of being cholesterol-free and low in saturated fat. Hemp is another plant-based protein high in omega-6 and omega-3, two fatty acids that are beneficial for overall health and can help reduce inflammation. Rice protein is a hypoallergenic option for those with food allergies or sensitivities to other types of proteins.
When it comes to choosing a protein powder, there are a few things you should keep in mind:
The type of protein (whey, casein, or soy)
How quickly the protein is digested (fast, medium, or slow)
Your age and activity level
Any dietary restrictions you may have
The benefits of protein powder
Protein powders have been proven to be one of the best supplements that men who work out can use to enhance their performance in the gym. It contains a high amount of amino acids that aid in muscle growth, increased energy levels during workouts, faster recovery time after hard workouts, and more.
Protein powder has also been shown to reduce appetite so that users don’t feel hungry between meals or after eating a large meal so they won’t overeat at night before bedtime. Additionally, it can help with weight loss as it stabilizes blood sugar levels and helps the body to burn more calories, even when sitting.
Protein is also known to help prevent stress, depression, and anxiety while increasing focus for short periods—which can be helpful in the gym if you are looking to bulk up but don’t want your mind wandering off on other things during workouts.
Not only does supplement with protein powder help men in the gym, but it has been shown that women can reap benefits from taking a protein powder. Like their male counterparts who work out, women need to eat enough calories and have healthy carbs to remain energized during workouts.
Protein powders come in different flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and more. There are also plant-based protein powders for those who want to avoid dairy or animal products. No matter what flavor you choose, it is important to ensure that the protein powder you select meets your daily needs in terms of grams of protein.
How to use protein powder for fitness enhancement
Now that you know some of the benefits of using protein powder as an enhancer for your fitness goals, let’s discuss how to use it properly. The best time to consume protein powder is within 30 minutes after finishing a workout. At this time, your body will be primed to absorb and utilize the nutrients it receives.
One of the most common questions men have is how much protein powder they should take per day. It depends on your body weight, but a good starting point is about 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. This means that if you weigh 200 pounds, your protein shake should have at least 72 grams of protein in it.
You can mix your protein powder with any beverage you like, but water or milk are the best choices. If you choose to use milk, aim for a lower-fat variety like skim or soy milk. Shake the powder and liquid together until the powder is fully dissolved, then drink immediately.
Another way to benefit from protein powder is to use it as a pre-workout supplement. Taking protein before exercise can help provide energy and stamina for your workout. Choose a whey protein powder for this purpose, as it is quickly absorbed by the body and helps to prevent muscle breakdown.
Mix about 20 grams of whey protein with water or milk and drink 30 minutes before you work out. This pre-workout shake should be all you need for a morning workout, but eat something healthy about 30 minutes after drinking it to give your body the nutrients it needs during the rest of the day.
If you’re looking for an easy way to get more protein into your diet and build muscle mass, using protein powder is a great option. Just make sure you’re using the right type for your fitness goals and consuming it at the right time. With a bit of planning, you can efficiently work protein powder into your daily routine.
Other ways to consume protein powders
Protein powders come in different flavors and can be mixed with water, milk, or juice. You can also add them to smoothies, yogurt, or oatmeal. Here are a few other ideas:
Mix a scoop of protein powder with peanut butter and jelly for a quick and easy breakfast sandwich.
Add it to your pancake or waffle batter for an extra protein boost.
Make protein balls by combining protein powder, honey, and almond butter. Roll them into balls and eat as a snack.
Add protein powder to your soup or stew for an extra serving of protein.
There are endless possibilities when it comes to using protein powder. With a bit of creativity, you can develop your own recipes that fit your taste buds and fitness goals. Just be sure to follow the guidelines for dosage and timing so you can get the most out of your workouts. Experiment and find what works best for you!
The best time to take protein powder
Depending on your goals with protein powder, you may want to take it at different times throughout the day. Here are a few general guidelines:
If your goal is to build muscle, you should consume protein powder within an hour after working out. This way, your muscles will be able to take advantage of the protein for muscle growth and recovery.
If you’re trying to lose weight, you may want to consume a shake or bar with protein powder before bedtime. This will help reduce cravings and overeating at other times of the day and help your body burn fat while you sleep.
On the other hand, if you’re trying to maintain your current weight, you can spread your protein powder intake throughout the day. This will help keep your energy levels up and minimize muscle loss. If you’re just looking for a quick snack, you can mix protein powder with water and drink it on the go.
In conclusion
There is no “right” way to take protein powder—it all depends on your individual goals and needs. Regardless of your goal, it’s essential to consult with a doctor or nutritionist to create an individualized plan that works best for you.
There are many factors to consider regarding protein powder, such as your age, activity level, and diet. Therefore, it’s important to do your research and find a protein powder that fits your specific needs.
Men, we’ve got to start taking care of ourselves. Do you have a skincare routine? Let’s face it, men can have super oily skin, or even dry dehydrated skin. Furthermore, many men face the problem of acne and pimples. Hence, men also need to feel good about their appearance, so a skincare routine is a must.
The following is a basic skincare routine that a beginner can follow to ensure that they have healthy and glowing skin.
1. Cleaners
The first thing that is a must to have in the skincare routine is a cleanser. You can buy a cleanser according to your skin type. These cleansers help to remove the dirt and grime on the skin and also deep clean the pores. Furthermore, there are some cleansers that help to remove the dead layer of the skin so that your skin feels smooth and soft.
2. Exfoliator or Scrub
The next product that is important in a skincare routine is the exfoliator. This product has small particles that help exfoliate the skin deeply and remove the dead cells on the skin. It removes the oil and dirt from the pores and leaves your skin fresh and clean.
Exfoliators should not be used more than three times a week as they can cause inflammation if used too often.
3. Toner
After you exfoliate, it is important to rebalance the pH of the skin, and this is done through the toners. There are many types of toners, but the main purpose of this product is to maintain the pH of the skin. Besides that, toner will also provide your skin with hydration and help provide different Vitamins and Minerals to the skin.
4. Moisturizer
The last stem for the basic men’s skincare routine is a moisturizer. Moisturizers are a product that is a must even if you have oily skin, as they help to retain the hydration of the skin. These products also helps to smooth and even out the color of the skin. Thus, moisturizers are essential in a skincare routine.
There are many other products that you can use to look after your skin, but the products that are mentioned above are the basic and essentials to have in any skincare routine.
Winter is here, and with it comes the cold weather that we all love to hate. The days are short and the nights are long. That’s not what we need when we’re trying to get things done.
The last thing you want to do in the dark of winter when everything feels like a chore, though, is working out. There are plenty of reasons for this — excuses really — but the fact remains: if you’re not working out your body won’t be lean or manly at any time during fall or winter (except maybe early spring) and that’s a fact.
This is why it’s important to remember these tips for staying lean through the winter.
Don’t skip breakfast
During the winter, you might be tempted to sleep in an extra ten minutes or grab a coffee on your way to work instead of stopping by home and eating breakfast like usual.
Don’t do it! Skipping meals is never good for maintaining lean muscle mass (or getting rid of unwanted fat). Make sure that every morning you eat within 30 – 45 minutes of waking up because this will keep hunger pangs at bay all day long — which means no pesky snacking throughout the day either.
If possible, bring some snacks with you when leaving the house so that if there are any delays while commuting, at least your stomach won’t start rumbling halfway through the trip due to a lack of food intake until lunchtime.
Keep your metabolism revved up with the right fuel
When it comes to maintaining lean muscle mass, what you eat is just as important (if not more) than how much you exercise or whether or not you are training intensely enough.
Make sure that every meal includes a good balance of protein and carbohydrates. That will keep both your energy levels high throughout the day while helping slow down digestion, so that hunger pangs don’t set in too quickly between meals either.
At least two servings per day of foods like beef, pork, lamb, poultry & fish will ensure that you get enough protein. The same count for foods like whole grains (like oats), brown rice & quinoa will satisfy your carbohydrate needs.
Stay hydrated all winter long
Water is an essential part of our lives — but we often take it completely for granted! It’s very easy to become dehydrated when you are working out hard at the gym or even just commuting to work on a cold day with low temperatures outside.
Make sure that every day before leaving the house you have had sufficient amounts of water so that you don’t feel any discomfort due to dehydration while training or simply sitting behind a desk all day under bright lights trying to focus on doing some work.
If possible, bring along a bottle of water with you to the gym (or your office) so that you always have it at hand when needed.
Stay active throughout the week
This is a tip that we can all agree with, but sometimes when winter rolls around and things get cold outside, we let this slip by the wayside.
Remember that winter doesn’t have to mean hibernation, and you should keep yourself active throughout the week. This can be as simple as going for a walk or doing some light exercise during your lunch break — it will help keep your metabolism up and give you enough energy to do everything else on your list.
Get plenty of rest
This is especially important if you’ve been training regularly throughout the day already as your body needs those hours to recover; otherwise, it’ll think it’s okay for now since there’s no challenge ahead so might hold onto fat reserves until another opportunity to train comes.
Make sure you sleep for at least eight hours per night and take a nap during the day if possible, too. Your body needs that downtime to recover and it’s most efficient when you’re sleeping.
Eat more protein and healthy fats
Protein is the one macronutrient best liked by muscle cells so they’ll use it for energy and keeping them healthy. If you don’t eat enough, your muscles can become catabolic or start eating themselves which isn’t great. If you do this, cut back on carbs as well since these are processed first in order of priority.
Have a pre-bed snack with some whey protein powder mixed into the milk before sleeping every night if possible, even if not hungry. You want to ensure there’s something ready broken down inside an hour after waking up just in case your appetite hasn’t kicked in yet then leave it until lunchtime at the earliest.
Take supplements when needed
Winter weather conditions make us more prone to illness which means our immune systems have less time available for recovery from intense exercise sessions or just daily tasks around the house.
Therefore, supplements such as multivitamins and minerals can help to boost the immune system when it is in need. Taking supplements during winter will also ensure that your body has all of the key nutrients needed for recovery, growth, and general health.
Make sure your diet stays on track
It’s easy to think that with the colder weather coming in you can just eat what you want and not worry about gaining weight, but this is a trap that will surely come back to haunt anyone who falls into it.
You need to make sure that even though your activity levels may be lower during the winter, you’re still eating as cleanly as possible so nothing gets stored as fat.
Make sure to eat plenty of protein especially in the morning. It’s easy to go overboard on carbohydrates during winter but try not to let that happen too often. Make fruits and vegetables a priority, even if you’re craving something else like pasta or bread.
Eat frequently throughout the day; generally, every three hours is good enough timing for most people so adjust accordingly depending on your body type/metabolism. Don’t let yourself get hungry because when you do it will be hard not to binge eat everything around you which won’t help keep fat away from your belly.
Keep up cardio workouts
Now if working out outside isn’t an option or no longer seems appealing because of the cold, you can always keep up your cardio workouts inside. This will help keep the fat away during these months so that when spring comes back around, you won’t have to worry about putting on extra weight or having to start at square one again.
If you love to run, try treadmill running if weather conditions outside are not ideal. You may also want to consider buying a treadmill or elliptical machine for your own home.
Keeping up with resistance training will be helpful when it comes time to shed the extra pounds in springtime but don’t overdo it! If you’re already working out regularly, adding more workouts each week can make it difficult for muscles and joints to recover in between sessions which could result in injuries. Stay safe!
Building lean muscle mass during winter months is important too because this can help keep you warm throughout these cold days, meaning less money spent on heating bills (bonus!)
Before you know it, the first signs of spring will be here and your body should be feeling leaner than ever. Keep up these winter workouts so that when warm weather hits again, you’ll have no trouble staying in shape!
Stay focused and motivated
It’s easy for us all to think we’ve reached our goals in life already, but sometimes it just takes a little push from within ourselves before we get things moving forward as they should be.
Staying focused on staying lean through the winter is something anyone can do if they put their mind to it. Don’t let yourself fall by the wayside once winter starts rolling around because this could lead to gaining more weight than you’d want over the next few months, and once that happens it will be much harder to lose.
So keep your eyes on the prize instead of letting yourself get distracted because when you work hard for something amazing, nothing beats those feelings of success!
In conclusion
For those who love being active but struggle during the wintertime due to harsh weather conditions or a lack of motivation/energy levels, now is as good a time as any to start making changes so come springtime everything can fall back into place again.
By staying dedicated and avoiding distractions over these upcoming weeks, we’re confident everyone reading this blog post today can achieve whatever goals they wish — especially regarding fitness — no matter what obstacles may stand in their way.
The winter months should not be an excuse for neglecting your health and wellness because these are the times when you need it more than ever.