New Verizon Droid to Put Hair on Your Chest
I’m actually a T-mobile lover myself…Hey Mrs. Jones ;). However, I’ve got to say I am really pleasantly surprised at these Verizon Commercials. Very clever, and funny appealing to the Tekki in all of us. This commercial is probably my favorite so far…well besides the…
Taking the Flu Like a Man
So on my way home, I manage to snag a seat on the normally crowded train home. I noticed the lady next to me swaying a bit, but figure she’s just sleepy and wants to get as much shut eye as possible before her stop….
From Sorry Ms. Jackson to Hello, Ms. Right
By J. D. Taylor Not only is The Best Man one of my favorite films, but it also (in my opinion at least) sits atop the seemingly growing pantheon of contemporary “black cinema”—alongside such films as Love & Basketball, Brown Sugar, Love Jones, etc.—aimed at…
N900 Comin Stateside…We Hope!
Ok, so this really isn’t news right now, but I hadn’t gotten around to posting about this phone. It’s the Nokia N900, which by the way is available for pre-order right now! Now, I love my phones, and I’m always looking for something that has…
Swiss Watch Couldn’t be any Tougher if it Had a Beard
Was cruisin’ the inter-webs when I came across this awesome watch on Slashgear. As you know by now, I’m pretty big fan of nice watches. This particular watch isn’t too impressive look-wise, but it more than makes up for it in functionality. Like most wonderfully…
Sony Ericsson “Motions” Forward with MH907
Sony Ericsson thinks they have a game changer here with their new headset. The hype they had was crazy…and honestly I’m a little underwhelmed. Now that’s not to say that it isn’t a good idea for the headset to recognize gestures, but I thought it…
Strange and Awkward Workplace Scenarios
While at work, I have been encountering some strange situations, so I thought it best to write them out for the readers. That way, if you too encounter the same thing, you can take advantage of this knowledge. As manly men, we have to look…
Ninja Movie to best ALL other Ninja Movies…
And get this…the main character is Asian!!! Now I’ve been a big fan of Ninja movies for a long time. I’ve been waiting for a long time for someone to actually take a ninja movie seriously. Well folks, it may just be that that day…
Oberon Takes Flight … Next Stop – Your Wrist!
I’ve become a big fan of recently. They have all sorts of cool things from Japan that are rare stateside. Not alot of people rockin’ the LED watches and they look really cool in a dorky sort of way. But hey, I love being…
Japanese Day Parade in NYC
Ok guys….got some interesting pics to show you. It was generally a great scene except for the rice torture. You’ll see what I mean when you see the turture devices. It’s just cruel…and tasty. Also saw a naked Karate Master. Something straight from a Manga…
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