Author: admin


Break-Dancing Robot

This is a funky little fella. With red hoody and faded jeans, Manoi Go is all the rage. It’s creators have done a darn good job at programming this robot with enough moves to show-up anybody on the dance floor. I was quite impressed with…

Gadget-Lust, Phones

Google Phone Craze!!!!

Have you guys heard yet? Google is coming out with a “Google Phone” called the Nexus (as of right now). According to the rumors floating around, they will be selling the phone themselves much like Apple is doing their iPhone. seems to have uncovered…

Gadget-Lust, Phones

Behold II Review

Hey Yall, so I got my hands on the Behold II for T mobile and am presently testing it out. The review will come soon enough…sorry kinda got lazy over the weekend! But never fear, I have some shots below to wet the appetite (as if you haven’t already seen pics…