Author: admin


New Predators Movie

Now if your old Skool like me, you remember the first predator movie with Arnie and Company. Over the top muscles, guns, and action. I love that movie. Now, if you were waiting for a sequel, not the AVP movies, but a pure Predator Movie,…


New Iron Man 2 Trailer

If your as much of a fan of comics as I am, no doubt you’ve seen Iron Man 1 and are eagerly anticipating Iron Man 2. Well, a new trailer has surfaced and some interesting goodies have been added. We see a little more onscreen…


Thoughts on Faith

As many of you know, I took a road trip with some family and went down south to visit my sister and niece. Had an awesome time, and the road tends to put you in a cranky, but sometimes contemplative mood. 15 hours will do…


My First Tablet will not be an iPad

Remember like a month ago when everyone was frothing at the mouth over Apple’s iPad? People were saying all sorts of things and then when the official announcement came, things just kinda simmered down. This was mostly because the iPad couldn’t do half the things…