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Infrared Nerf Turret!

Now this is what I want for Christmas! Forget that sweater and tie crap. This bad boy is built from the Nerf Vulcan EBF-25 (which I have seen in person – pretty cool I must say). It tracks movement using an infrared sensor. Rick Prescott built it using a motor, battery pack, in addition to the sensor. It even has semi or full automatic modes! You can check the video below. Granted, this is the first time we’ve seen an automatic gun…but this package is nice and snazzy and doesn’t look terribly difficult to emulate.


Video Game Titles We Can’t Wait to Play!

SF4 X Tekken:

Oh yes, you read right. If you haven’t heard by now, you will probably be surprised by this news. Apparently Capcom is developing a crossover title with Streetfighter 4 Characters as well as characters from the Tekken Universe. The art style will be the highly paintbrush themed 3d characters of SF4 since Capcom is in the driver’s seat. Should make for great competitive play by die-hards from both franchises.

NBA 2K 11:

One word… Jordan! I love playing these games, but never really shell out 60 bucks for them so I end up playing the title a year late or so. Probably not this time. The “NBA 2K” Franchise has been markedly improving everyear – even downloading relevant stats in real-time, but Jordan has always been missing. The fact that he’s been absent for so long makes this moment sweeter, plus there will be some other oldies as well! Count me in this round.

MGS Rising:

I know what you’re thinking…”Not again with the old/young snake.” Well, doesn’t look like Liquid or Solid snake will be in this one (not that there probably won’t be a cameo) but it looks like you’ll be playing as Raiden. Not only is Raiden cool as an icebox, you get to use his sword that can cut anything. Let me repeat that…ANYTHING. Stop reading now and watch the video.

Virtua Tennis 4:

I like the Tennis games, but a lot of times it really is more of the same. Besides slightly improved AI’s I don’t feel like there are a whole lot more to the Virtua Tennis world that will have me buying every iteration. Some may disagree here, but c’mon. How much more like Federer are you gonna make the 3D Figure be man!? Enter stage left…3D TVs with Playstation “Move” controller and we have ourselves a brand new experience that promises to be quite entertaining and possibly painful.

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit:

Normally, I wouldn’t put a NFS title here as the franchise has taken a turn for the worse with weak storylines and a lack of what made the original series so fun ala “Shift” and “Carbon”. Well it seems that EA has wizened up and returned to what made this game fun…breaking the law! The game looks great, and the cars are amazing. Love the fact that you can play a career as a cop as well which is kinda cool. I’d give it a shot.

Force Unleashed II:

By the looks of things, this will probably add a lot to the StarWars Universe in terms of story line. You think the Force control and combat was crazy in the first one??? Well they like quadrupled the effects in this game. So much so, I’m kinda wondering who would win between this guy and Goku from DBZ!

Notable Mentions

Deus Ex:

To be honest, the bionically enhanced human is nothing new in the gaming world. In fact it’s pretty standard. So what is so cool about Deus Ex? Well graphics look pretty cool, but more than that – it promises to be a thinking man’s game. I sorta like games which drag you into the universe and make you really feel what’s going on rather than just simply punching and kicking the crap out of everyone with a red bar above their heads. That’s what makes the Persia and Mass Effect Games so fun. It looks to be, if it lives up to the hype, to be cerebral in a similar way Ghost in the Shell is.

Call of Duty Black Ops:

Yes, another Call of Duty Game. Well, it says Black Ops – so I wonder how much stealth will be in the game. Doubt it will be anything like MGS, but I would be interested in seeing what they come up with here, and if it is any different from the other Call of Duty games. However, from the looks of things…I wouldn’t hold my breath if you are looking to be a Ninja in this game!


Just another FPS game? How about from the guy that started the FPS Genre as we know and love it today…Mr. Shinji Mikami. Honestly it looks cool and kinda corny at the same exact time. Guess we will wait and see but the concept is kinda cool.

Acting too Girly?

I’ve been contemplating this story for a while now and I’m still in shock. The story proceeds as follows:

A certain Mr. Pedro Jones was baby-sitting for his girlfriend and noted the child was acting a bit too girly for his liking. Taking matters into his own hands, he strikes the child. The child goes into cardiac arrest and dies. He was “trying to make him act like a boy instead of a girl.”

Now this is the whole point I’ve been trying to make with this blog…what constitutes acting like a boy or acting manly? Why are we so caught up in this false sense of bravado anyway? Why can’t a man be a man without all of these additional labels applied? Granted, there must be some definition or characteristics (i.e. men who leave progeny all over the place would more fit the boy category and not the man in my opinion) but I am really talking about the subtle hints that society at large whisper to us. “Men walk with a lean” or “Men drink Alcohol – preferably beer” or maybe “Men should want to ‘score’ as much as possible.” I’m sure if the question, what does it mean to be a man were posed to 20 different men, we would probably get 30 different answers. To be honest, I’m not so sure myself. But to beat a child to death for not being born with your ideal definition of being a man -without even having a chance to mature – is nowhere near close to my definition of what it means to be a man.

What are your thoughts?

[Yahoo News]

A Manly Man’s Movie…The Expendables.

Every once in a while, a movie dares its producer to be made. Good plot? No, great story with subtle inuendos and nimble intellectual antics – Nay. Brute force, guns, knives, explosives, testosterone…with all the breath of my lungs, a resounding YES!

I personally can’t wait to see this movie. For starters, Arnold Schwarzenegger will be in it! Also Dolph Lundgren, Mickey Rourke, Bruce Willis, Jet Li, and Jason Stathom just to name a few. And that’s not even everybody!

The plot, if your interested, is around a group of highly skilled mercenaries who are sent on a mission to take on some dictator.  Like it matters. You know you will be seeing this movie. Check the trailer below:

Notion Ink Tablet Goodness!

Update: 8.4

So Rohan has been busy lately. Not only has he managed to update his blog, he has managed to get the site looking quite snazzy. Its flash, but he is working on an Ipad compatible version as well! The new site re-design makes me think that the “Buy Now” button can’t be to far off.

Another development was the confirmation that the present hardware will be compatible with the next version of Android that comes after Froyo. Chocolate Frosty Surprise I think it is…

Lastly, wifi will be b/g/n not just b/g which basically means greater range and increased performance.

Update: 6.27

I have been looking around the Notionink.com website and just realized that I can only get to the blog portion of the site. There used to be a website portion where you could view pictures of the tablet and see the specifications. There was even a store icon that said “coming soon”. Now all of that is missing which has my interest highly peaked! Does this mean what I think it means??? Are they going to announce a release date or better yet, are they modifying the site for pre-orders and new specs??? I’ll keep you posted..

If you are like me, then you are probably holding out for a tablet that is a little more functional than the iPad. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a hater, I’m just not that much of an early adopter. I like to see what my options are before I make a purchase! We did a tablet article a while back, before the iPad launched, where we talked about some of the tablets that were coming down the pipe. One of our favorites was Notion Ink’s “Adam” Tablet. Not only were we impressed by its creator, Rohan Shravan, but we were also impressed by the overall design and hardware specs. You can find the iPad comparison here. The tech world was all a-buzz a few days ago because Rohan mentioned that there might be some launch delays pushing the launch all the way back to November. Needless to say, people were sorely disappointed. However, Rohan has just recently cleared the air on his blog and he says things are “on track” whatever that means. As longs as things are on the track rather than off the track I say.  Below are some reasons for why I definitely want to wait a bit till this bad boy comes out sometime in Q3:

  • The Screen is one of the biggest factors. Made by Pixel Qi, it has the ability to basically turn black and white with the push of a button making viewing in direct sunlight much more do-able. This also boosts battery performance quite a bit. Will also come with an ambient light sensor which will automatically adjust the screen depending on lighting conditions.
  • It has a camera. Not just any camera…a 180 degree swiveling camera at that! This is for taking pictures or video of you or your surroundings with the push of a finger.
  • Track-pad on the back. Some people might think this is a small point, but I think the smallest points are sometimes the biggest. I predict this will be extremely useful because you wont have to hold the tablet with one hand just to select something on screen which will lessen hand fatigue and make the overall browsing experience that much more enjoyable.

Those are just a few key points, but you get the gist. Check out Notion Ink’s site here for more details.

Tron Hoodie Makes Nerds Cool!!!

It Glows!!!

Yeah, I’m getting mine in the mail. You should too if I were you. This hoodie brings the retro Tron style to the present with lots of style. Saw the design on Gizmodo and just had to look at it myself! You can find the design here. Can’t wait to see the new Tron Movie, and it will be awesome to check it out wearing the above wouldn’t it?? The Tron T-Shirt will run you 20 bums, while the Hoodie is double. Oh, and also…it lights up in the dark! +1 mister Rolf Nelson.

Men aren’t Cheap…they’re Frugal

Why are women always bashing us for  being penny pinchers? Don’t they know if we hadn’t been pinching pennies in the first place, we wouldn’t be taking them out at all? To me, that’s the sign of a good man. You don’t want some guy buying you all kinds of jewelry and beautiful items cause it means that he’s superficial. Why can’t women just love me for me without eyeing the size of my wallet. I feel like such a slab of meat sometimes! I think their looking at my buttocks, but noooo. They are looking at the wallet!

Now ofcourse this is all nonsense, but the premise is still interesting. Are women being reverse sexist by demanding financial goods from their significant others? A long time ago, there were heavy complaints of guys only wanting women for one thing. They were accused of being shallow and superficial. However, I haven’t heard too much about gold-diggers! All I hear is scientific explanations like women will choose a mate that has the highest probability of protection for child rearing – and other such excuses. Let me know what you guys think!

Intereresting Advertising Campaigns

Was walking around Soho and saw the above picture on the FCUK store. Now I was under the impression that I was the man, so I was a bit puzzled as to why my picture wasn’t up there. However, I was able to let that go. I’ve been seeing their ad campaign around NY and its pretty cool. I am definitely digging the more visceral, beardly, rougher look.  Kinda tired of seeing all these boy models who weigh like 12 1/2 lbs and who are too young to even grow peach fuzz modeling manly clothing. Check out some-more of their images below.

Watch Concept Unites Wrists, Cars and “Cool”

If you have an extreme sense of style and 15,000 dollars laying around then this watch is definitely for you. It looks awesome and is sure to be the head-turner item that will secure the attention you so desperately need enjoy. Its a beautiful concept and if your still skeptical we should mention that it stops bullets…no really. Its bullet-proof and it charges wirelessly.

However, I know I saw a concept like this before, so I either saw this exact watch a few years ago in a magazine somewhere, or its this Handsome Tag-Heuer piece called the Manaco V4. Not quiet bullet-proof, but the sapphire case and alligator skin band don’t hurt one bit.

On Putting a Ring on the Proverbial…”IT”

Jermaine Taylor is a good friend and a Manly Man. Always straightforward, he writes on many topics with no apologies. He has had guest appearances here before, so back by popular demand:
An Open Letter to Single Men

I write to you today to speak to what I believe to be the disturbing spread of single-phobia throughout our society.  At the moment, our society seems caught in the manic throes of a frenzied push towards commitment that has an adverse effect—whether directly or indirectly—on every American man.  R& B singer Beyoncé—one of pop culture’s most virulent single-phobics, in my opinion—unashamedly chastises single men in her song “Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)”: “If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it”; African American women are constantly cited time and again as being chronically unable to find a spouse; the book publishing industry is increasingly saturated with a seemingly inexhaustible stream of “self-help” books instructing women on what steps they should take to get their guy to “settle down” and “pop the question,” from Matt Titus and Tamsen Fadal’s Why Hasn’t He Proposed?: Go from the First Date to Setting the Date to actor-comedian cum relationship guru Steve Harvey’s Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment.  Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo, authors of the book He’s Just Not That Into You of —which was made into a 2009 New Line Cinema romantic comedy of the same name—plainly advise women to ditch any man who’s apparently not eager to say “I do” within a predetermined time frame.  What’s more, we single men are readily berated by the print and broadcast media for simply being ourselves.  (George Clooney, a self-admitted bachelor for life, is considered a “womanizer” by many women).  Indeed, we’re consistently portrayed negatively for no other reason than we want to hold onto our God-given and inalienable freedom and corresponding individuality.

After all, we each came into this world alone, did we not?  What’s so bad about wanting to stay that way a little while longer?

Not unlike those brave settlers who fled their native England and its religious persecution to settle the New World, not unlike those who suffered fire hoses and dogs at the volatile height of the civil rights movement, and certainly not unlike those courageous women who dared to reach for the ballot in a noble quest for equal treatment and equal opportunity as their male counterparts, we non-committal men—as we prefer to be called—are facing a very similar predicament.  However, unlike the institutionalized and oftentimes tepid and covert racism and sexism of contemporary society, our oppression seems far more manifest.  Man-bashing, as it were, seems to have gone “viral,” so to speak.  Everywhere we turn, we single men are constantly harassed for being born with a natural predilection for remaining unattached.  Still, we’re oftentimes left to fend for ourselves, without very much, if any, organizational or other philanthropic support.  For instance, the American Civil Liberties Union, or A.C.L.U. as it’s more commonly known, sponsors the LGBT Project, which “fights discrimination and moves public opinion through the courts, legislatures and public education” on behalf of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender brothers and sisters, yet there remains no such subdivision for we single men who desire nothing more than life, liberty and the benign pursuit of singlenesses tranquility.

How did we get here? I thought to myself as I stared blankly at the music video of Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)” being broadcast on MTV late one night.  How did we go so far afield of “the better angels of our nature?”  (After all, if God had intended for us to commit, he’d have brought us into this world in sets of two, am I right?  Surely, none of us want to boldly suggest the big guy got it wrong?)  More importantly, what now?  Where do we go from here, chaos or community? as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once famously asked.

So, my fellow single brothers, where do we go from here?  We move forward.  We carry on.  We continue to “fight the good fight” for the cause of freedom and liberty, the very same principles our great nation was constitutionally founded upon.

Let me be perfectly clear, I’m not saying any of this because I “hate women.”  (I don’t).  I’m saying this because, like Gandhi himself advised, I seek “to be the change I wish to see in the world.”  I seek to mobilize and galvanize other single brothers on behalf of this great struggle, in this great moment in which we find ourselves, at this defining point in history.  We cannot loose hope.  Despite the fact that we may no doubt face the vicious and rancorous recriminations of the commitment-partisan status quo, we must hold fast to the beliefs that have gotten us this far.

The freedom to get up and go as we please.  To do as we please.  The freedom to sleep with whomever we so choose, free from the oftentimes callous and disproportionate over-reactions of our egreged partners.  These are all meaningful liberties, my fellow single brothers.  And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.  You’re neither small-minded nor shortsighted for wanting to extol, whether verbally or in your daily lives, the virtues of living life alone, on your own terms.  In fact, you should be commended for speaking out on behalf of your sadly voiceless committed brethren, for there is no charge more admirable, make no mistake, than that of speaking out on behalf of the weak and the powerless.

In the end, much like both Dr. King and Gandhi—on whom Dr. King would later base his own philosophy of non-violence—we must acknowledge that anger and resentment alone will not solve the present problems we face.  Neither violence nor any other form of coercion or abuse can successfully and lastingly stare us out of the fractious impasse in which we’re now currently enmeshed, as it is understandably froth with as much complexity as combustibility.  Indeed, only honest and open dialogue can do that, in my opinion.  To borrow from the words of President [Barack] Obama’s 2008 inaugural address, we single men will more than happily extend a hand of friendship to all you “single ladies” out there.  All we ask is that you unclench your fist of matrimony and allow us to decide when we’re ready to “put a ring on it.”


A Proud Single Man

Jermaine Taylor