Beards have been as a masculine trait for centuries. It is a sign of gruff manly personality. Also, maintaining your beard provides warmth, and shields the skin from various harmful elements. Many theorists suggest that beards also display aggression and dominance. You can also make your face look longer and jawline bigger wider by growing a healthy beard.

When you scroll through Instagram, you will find that beards have been trending right for a long time. Many fashion influencers encourage their followers to grow and maintain a beard. Numerous studies explain the relation between facial hair and attractiveness. These studies also suggest that a beard is a sign of dominance, masculinity, and maturity.

Tips for Maintaining Your Beard

If you want to increase your masculine energy, continue reading this post for tips to maintain your beard.

1.      Trim Your Beard

Always remember that your beard is consistently growing. Thus, you need to perfectly trim your facial hair. If you fail to trim the beard for a while, it will look messy and unkempt. If you have a thick beard, you need to consider trimming it every day. If you don’t have enough time, you can keep shorter facial hair. That way, you don’t have to maintain your beard as frequently. If you have a full beard, consider trimming it every week.

2.      Keep Your Beard Clean

Many people think that cleaning the beard isn’t important, but that’s untrue. Ignoring the cleanliness of your beard has various consequences. If you splash water on your face once or twice a day, you are not giving enough attention to your beard.

If you want your beard to look healthy and smell pleasant, then you should shampoo it whenever you shower. If your facial hair is rough, you need to consider applying some conditioner. You have to clean the beard till the scalp. There are myriad of products in the market to keep your facial hair soft and healthy.

3.      Choose a Unique Style

Men have different types of facial hair. For some men, the hair grows downwards. Meanwhile, others have curls. If you want to properly grow your facial hair, you should consider using beard care products. Most beard maintenance kits come with a comb and beard oil. Beard oil keeps the hair smooth and soft, while comb or pomade maintains the beard’s shape and style.

This doesn’t mean that you have to fill your bathroom with expensive products. A beard oil, comb, and pomade would be enough.


Hopefully, you will find these steps effective for maintaining your beard. If you follow these tips, maintain a good diet, and get sufficient sleep you can enhance your manly looks. Here are seven effective habits to become a better man. Comment below if you find this information interesting.