5 Delicious and Healthy Protein Bars for Men

Protein bars are healthy and convenient snacks to boost your nutrition. If you don’t have enough time for a well-balanced meal, you can grab some healthy protein bars. Before purchasing a protein bar you should check protein type, protein content, and sugar levels. However, picking healthy protein bars from a plethora of options can be confusing.

Top Healthy Protein Bars

If you want to save your time and efforts, read this post till the end as it discusses some healthy and delicious protein bars to meet your requirements.

1.      Chocolate Sea Salt Protein Bar by RXBAR

Chocolate sea salt protein bar by RXBAR is a healthy protein bar for men, especially if you want to avoid gluten. This 12 grams protein bar includes dates, nuts, and egg whites. These bars are free of nutrient-void fillers and added sugar. You can find this protein bar at drug and convenience stores throughout the country. You can consume this bar as a post-workout or office snack. This product is available in a wide range of flavor options including blueberry, chocolate sea salt, and peanut butter.

2.      Pumpkin Seed Bars by Health Warrior

Pumpkin seed bars by Health Warrior don’t contain preservatives, protein powders, and sweeteners. Thus, consuming this product is safe. This is a vegan protein bar with whole food ingredients. Also, pumpkin seeds are visible on the bar, which:

  • Reduces stress because of magnesium
  • Boost immune system because of zinc
  • Enhance mood because of zinc components

3.      Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond Bars by KIND

Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond Bars by KIND is an affordable and healthy protein bar. You can find this product anywhere in the country, even at gas stations. This crunchy bar doesn’t contain genetically modified ingredients. It is a gluten-free snack with almonds as the number one ingredient. Almond improves the body’s cholesterol levels.

4.      Collagen Protein Bar by Bulletproof

Collagen protein bar by Bulletproof is a healthy bar with high-quality fats and 2 grams of sugar. The chocolate chip cookie flavor contains collagen from organic nut butter and grass-fed cows. It includes Bulletproof’s brain octane oil. This protein bar is ideal for keeping you satiated and fueled. The ingredients include:

  • Cashew butter
  • Coconut oil
  • Cashews
  • Cacao nibs

5.      Collagen Protein Bars by Primal Kitchen

If you want a grain-free and paleo-friendly protein bar, you can opt for Collagen Protein Bars by Primal Kitchen. Along with great protein punch, these bars are incredibly delicious. You can choose this protein bar if you are looking for non-dairy, non-gluten, or non-soy products. 15 grams of Primal Kitchen bar contain egg whites, nuts, seeds, and grass-fed collagen, which is a great protein source.


The above-mentioned snacks are ideal protein bars for men. If you work out, you can consume these snacks for an instant protein boost. You can munch on these protein bars whether you are driving your car or working on an arduous task. If you want to adopt a healthy life, here are the top exercises for men to improve their fitness routine.

Grooming and Hygiene Routine: 5 Tips to Follow

Grooming and hygiene routines are interrelated and you cannot expect to achieve one without considering the other. Therefore, here are some interesting tips that all men should follow to keep themselves presentable.

We’re going to talk about everything from managing body odor to fighting bad breath. There are several personal habits that you may need to adopt in this regard so take note! Let us begin with discussing the 5 tips you should know about grooming and hygiene.

Grooming and Hygiene Routine: 5 Tips to Consider

Following are the top things to keep in mind while creating a grooming and hygiene routine.

Shower but not Every Day

Exercise or daily physical activity can easily make the body sweat and release toxins from inside the body. This sweat is a little smelly and can cause discomfort for people around you. Therefore, you should always consider methods to fight this odor off. We suggest avoiding daily baths because it is not good for your skin. It can make the skin dry, flaky and impact its oil balance.  Instead, consider taking a bath every other day or reducing the time you spend in the shower. One way to do this is by taking cold showers, which have been known to have health benefits and make you feel better and more alert!

It is best to take care of your oral hygiene every time you take a bath to avoid bad breath.

Keep Your Hair Clean

Washing hair with natural products is a much better option compared to chemical-filled products that you easily find in the market. In addition, washing your hair daily can weaken your hair strands and cause extensive hair fall. It is best to wash your hair 2 to 3 times a week. This will keep your hair neat, healthy and prevent hair fall.

We also suggest trimming and styling your hair regularly for better hair health and look. You can also pick a wide variety of hairstyles that suit your face shape, and the rest falls in place.

Trim Your Beard Regularly

Trimming your beard is just as important as getting a hair trim. It is because an unkempt beard looks tacky. It can also cause rashes, acne, and several other skin complications. Therefore, it is important to keep your beard maintained, and ensure it settles well.

Cut Your Nails

Trimming nails is an important part of any grooming and hygiene routine, regardless of your gender. It is best to keep your nails clean and short. Shorter nails are also easier to take care of, whereas, longer nails can look dirty and unhealthy. It may also cause embarrassment in some cases, therefore, it is best to keep your nails as short as possible, and trim them regularly.

Avoid Wearing Unwashed Under Garments or Socks

Dirty undergarments and socks can cause contamination, skin problems, and several other health complications. No lady should ever complain about your lack of hygiene in this department! Rashes, acne, and odor can become a problem if you don’t pay attention here. Therefore, you should make sure you take time to select a good detergent to keep your socks and undergarments clean, and then use them.

Bottom Line

Maintaining a grooming and hygiene routine is a must for everyone. Following some simple steps like avoiding unwashed undergarments, cutting your nails, trimming your hair and beard, and showering regularly can help you live a more hygienic and healthier life.

Adopting these habits will not be difficult once this routine becomes a part of your daily life. You can add cologne to this list, and it will help you become a healthier and hygienic man before you know it.

Travel Tips for Men – What You Should Pack?

Do you love to travel but always struggle with packing? You are not alone. Many guys can be a little sloppy when they pack for traveling. We throw a bunch of important stuff in the bag at the last minute. This post includes the ultimate list of tips to organize traveling luggage.

How to Pack Your Luggage – Travel Tips for Men

Here are some tips to efficiently pack your traveling bag:

1.      Choose the Right Luggage

Having right-sized luggage gives more space for additional items. However, we recommend you stay clear of a hard-sided suitcase. These suitcases are difficult to carry, especially when you have to travel to multiple locations. If your luggage is smaller, you can easily fit your items without squeezing things.

2.      Streamline Your Wardrobe

Counting your clothes helps will help you choose limited but necessary items. You can use the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 strategy for long trips. The rule suggests that you should carry five sets of various clothing items. For instance, you can put:

  • Five sets of socks
  • Four tops
  • Three shorts
  • Two pairs of shoes
  • A hat

You can adjust the list according to your needs. You can also include a swimsuit, dress, or exercise gear depending on the purpose of your trip.

3.      Categorize Items You Want to Pack

Take out every item that you think might go in the traveling luggage. Now place them in a straight line in front. Think twice about the items you can remove. Never keep “just in case” items in your bag. Only take what you absolutely need.

4.      Fill Every Little Space

You might have played Tetris back in the video game glory days. Let’s play the game again, but with your luggage. It’s true that how you arrange your items in the luggage depends on your personal preference, here are some pro-tips:

  • Use a packing cube and keep the clothes compact
  • Roll your clothes and space huge space
  • Try the bundle techniques and wrap each item from the center

5.      Keep Liquids in a Separate Bag

You should either place the toiletries on the top of the luggage or in a separate bag. It is possible that T.S.A. might want to look at your items. Also, when toiletries such as toothbrushes and paste are in a separate bag, you won’t forget to brush your teeth. Try to buy all-in-one items such as BB creams which are a mixture of sunblock, foundation, and moisturizer. Here are some basic men’s skin care products you should buy.


With this info, you should now be a pro at packing light. Keep in mind that strategically packing your luggage is an art. If you want to master this art, you need to think out of the box and practice. Hopefully, you liked our travel tips for men and follow them for your next trip. Tips of your own? Be sure to write them down in the comments.

Burn Bodyweight with These 7 Tips

Obesity is a serious concern globally as statistics reveal that nearly 30% of adults are overweight. A wide majority of these adults are men. Taking care of your weight is important because being overweight causes tons of ailments such as hypertension, diabetes, and others.

Fortunately, various tips can help you maintain a healthy bodyweight and burn body fat. We are going to mention these tips to burn bodyweight, so ensure reading till the end of this article.

How to Burn Bodyweight: 7 Tips You Should Know

Following are the 7 tips you should know to burn bodyweight and live a healthier life.

Start a Lifestyle Eating Plan

Most men try to lose weight by dieting but regain it soon after returning to their previous lifestyle. This makes losing weight counterproductive and difficult to maintain in the long run.

Therefore, it is best to ditch dieting impulsively for short periods to lose weight. It is better to develop healthier eating habits in general. Simple tips like eating every 4 hours, eating a balanced diet, and eating small servings of healthy fats can benefit you in the long run.

Drink Water

Drinking 100 ounces of water daily can help control hunger, and boost metabolism for better weight management. It will also help fight lethargic feelings, hydration problems, headaches, and much more. Drinking water can increase your metabolism by as much as 30%.

Try 30-Minute Physical Activity

A simple 30-minute plan of physical activity consisting of activities like sports or swimming that you like can help manage weight and avoid fat storage in the body. It is best to start with smaller exercise periods and elevate it with time.

Build Muscle Mass

Building muscle mass helps lose fat faster. Thus, you should try exercises like CrossFit, weight training, or whatever interests you to keep yourself from gaining unnecessary fat. This exercise will also have plenty of health benefits for you and will help you become a healthier man.

Get Sufficient Sleep

Lack of sleep is directly related to fat and weight gain. This is because the body burns fats and regulates the metabolism for healthier physical conditions. This also includes regulating hormones such as growth hormone, cortisol, insulin, and others.

Getting 7-8 hours of sleep is great for reducing weight gain, providing sufficient rest to your body, and.

Monitor Your Lifestyle

You wouldn’t want to spend time and effort in the wrong direction. Therefore, monitor your weight and measurements regularly.

Tracking and monitoring physical changes can also improve how you burn bodyweight, and stay healthier.

Reward Yourself

Most people who follow healthy lifestyles have urges to eat sweet, greasy, and unhealthy foods. Therefore, a planned cheat meal once every few weeks can help fulfill your craving and keep you on track in the long run. However, you should still consider what you eat on your cheat meals.

Bottom Line

It is not difficult to burn bodyweight if you know what you are doing. Ensure that you drink plentiful water, eat and sleep right, build muscle mass, and reward yourself for all the hard work you do. These simple tips can help reap better benefits and assist in adopting a healthier lifestyle in the long run.