Xbox360, Playstation 3 FIGHT!!!…for second!!!

Microsoft has this cool new attachment for the Xbox360 that will recognize the human frame, and mimic its every move, transmitting the data in-game. The result will be a controller-less gaming experience! Imagine, racing…with no physical steering wheel, just pretending ( you know, like you used to do in the mirror). Well now the mirror will respond to your every movement. True, Nintendo was first with the motion sensitive approach which everyone must give credit for…but this is kinda taking it to the next step. However, I’m from the old school and need something physical in my hands to let me know I’m still in reality! You can check  video below:

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YouTube Direkt

Sony, not to be outdone…again, has finally moved its slow, heavy, corporate hands in protest, and has come up with a wand-like device. The 1-1 movement ratio is pretty impressive, but the controller looks so weird. Like something from an old sci-fi movie. It also changes colors (ooooh for emphasis).  Yeah, its nice and all, but in my opinion too little too late…however the virtual world they have in the demo is kinda hot. Maybe they should play up that angle instead of arriving to the party late all the time!

Vid below:

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YouTube Direkt

“Crunchpad” to take us one step closer to StarTrek Gadgetry

Doesn't this look like what Worf used to use to fire photon torpedoes???

Folks over at have been following this for a while and it looks awesome! Its created by a Michael Arrington and looks to be well on the way to completion. The image is what we hope to be a near complete design (prototype B?). It looks great! Not only that, but the OS is Linux based.

Screen will be about 12 inches, with a 4:3 aspect ratio according to TechCrunch. It will also come with a not too shabby 1Gig  of ram, wifi, and camera!!! Its everything you want in all your gadgets in one spot. Plus it seems more mobile than your standard laptop. Who knows what this thing will be capable of…just looking at it makes the mind wander to the many possibilities. You can check Prototype A being touched and prodded in vid from TechCrunch below:

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YouTube Direkt

Google demos new “Wave” product

Guys, this may be the next generation of communication happening before our very eyes. The demo is a marathon clocking in at just over an hour, but its filled with lots of goodies, and a few computer crashes!

Demo communication that dynamically updates as you type! So imagine, your instant messaging your friend, but you can see the words as they type instantaneously! Also, you can merge that IM message, send to another friend, and they can replay the whole thing as if it was a movie. If thats not enough, you can also just post the entire dialogue to a blog and respond through the “wave” if you like, which can update the blog as well!!! Awesome goodies in store for the future my children. If you don’t want to sit through the entire thing, at least get to the end…it’ll be well worth it! you can check the link below:

Seiko Discus “Handless Watch”

Now its our goal to give suggestions on what one can do to step out of the comforts of normalcy, and make an impact as a man…a manly-man. We believe the below will allow just that. Its called the Seiko Discus  – for sale in Japan That just makes you want it more right?. Pretty sure you can probably snag one on ebay if you look hard enough.

It uses mechanical discs to display the time, so no watch “hands” are necessary. Love the way it cuts out the rest of the watch face -which is rendered unnecessary.

Can you say Sexy?

#3 A Look at Cleanliness: The Evils of Halitosis

Lick the wrapper for longer lasting results

#3 Fresh Breath a must. As a man, many women have preconceived notions about us. One of which is the high probability that a man will have bad breath. Now the fact that they presume such is not the tragedy, but the overwhelming odds that this assumption will be true if closely inspected. This simply cannot stand! So, if you are a male, and are reading this then we want you to do two things:  First stop reading. Second, take stock of you your halitosis levels.

If there is any doubt, erase it with a stick of gum. If the case is severe, then two or three sticks have never been proven to be harmful to humans…neither has licking the wrapper for extra fresh flavor.

Of course, this is only a temporary solution, but drastic times call for drastic measures. If you find consistent halitosis, you may want to clean up your eating habits and get an enema. If your breath is smelling like booboo all the time what else can it be?