In this post, you will find some top exercises for men that you should include in your daily routine. The most notable benefits of these exercises are that you can perform them at home.

Many men quit exercising because their priorities change with growing age. They have more bills to pay, take care of their kids, and focus on their business. As a result, they gain weight, lose energy, and even develop various diseases.

Fortunately, you can change your lifestyle by making small changes in your life. For instance, starting your day with exercise has a major impact on your life. Here are some benefits to including exercises in your daily routine:

  • Lower cholesterol
  • Lower triglycerides
  • Lower risk of high blood pressure
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Better blood vessels
  • Lower risk of diabetes
  • A hedge against colon cancer
  • Weight loss
  • Strong bones

Top Exercises for Men to Develop Healthy Lifestyle

Here are some effective exercises that don’t require too much of time and you can perform them at home:

1.      Jumping Jacks

This is a cardiovascular exercise with significant benefits. It increases blood circulation, balances heart rate, and maintains blood pressure. Including these exercises in your daily routine can prevent heart diseases and help you lose weight. What’s more, jumping jacks also increase your bone density and leg strength.

2.      Planks

If you always dreamt of having six-packs abs and good body posture, then you should include planks in your workout routine. Planks strengthen your core muscles including oblique muscles, glutes, and transverse abdominis. They also improve your body’s balance and coordination.

3.      Cross Crunches

Cross crunches are a full-body exercise that tones your core muscles. The exercise also engages your lower back, glutes, and hip flexors. However, you need to learn the right technique to perform this exercise. Otherwise,you can hurt your back. This exercise targets your external and internal obliques. When you include this exercise in your daily workout routine, you can prevent injuries, improve body posture, and prevent back pain.

4.      Squats

The squat is a strength training exercise that helps improve basic tasks such as climbing stairs, walking, and carrying heavy loads. It targets your lower body muscles such as hamstrings, calves, and hip flexors. The exercise also reduces the risks of injury and muscle fatigue. It also strengthens the core, reduces calories, and boosts athletic strength and abilities.

5.      Push-Ups

Push-ups area basic yet effective exercise that improves your overall body muscles. The exercise protects your lower back and shoulders from injuries. If you perform this exercise with the right technique, you can improve flexibility, burn calories, and improve posture and balance. The exercise targets your arms, chest, and stomach muscles.


Performing these exercises for 10-minutes a day develops strength, builds muscles, and promotes an active lifestyle. Although these top exercises for men improve physical and mental health, you should follow a healthy diet as well. If you find these exercises helpful, leave a comment below.

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